Photovoltaic Solar Panels
Photovoltaic, often referred to as PV is a renewable energy technology that converts solar (sun light) radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors for your domestic or commercial premises. Photovoltaic panels look similar to solar panels but work differently in that solar panels are used to produce hot water or steam whereas photovoltaic panels convert the sunlight directly into electricity.
Due to the growing demand for renewable energy sources, the manufacturing of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has advanced considerably in recent years. As of 2013, solar photovoltaics generates electricity in more than 120 countries making it the fastest growing power-generation technology in the world.
How does it work?
The system consists of an array of solar panels which are usually mounted on the roof, or can also be set up in a standalone area to the side or rear of a property depending on the space available on the site. The pv solar panels ls containing the actual solar cells and when the light shines on the PV cells this creates an electric field causing electricity to flow.
Recent Developments
Recent developments in regulation mean that it is now possible to connect solar PV systems to the grid, opening up a new era for solar PV in Ireland. The panels are linked to the main electricity supply with a connector that automatically switches to solar power when available (during daylight hours) and switches back to the national grid when darkness falls. You now have a choice as to what time of the day to run your Heavy Users so as to get the maximum benefit from the free electricity generated by the solar array.
The benefits of using solar PV panels:
- PV is a clean energy that is pollution-free during use.
- Long term solution for your property or business that will dramatically slash your energy bills.
- Can operate for many years with little maintenance or intervention after initial set-up.
- Operating costs are extremely low compared to existing power technologies.